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There will be many enemies trying to kill you. Don't let them get you!
Here are some of the many foes that will try to spell the demise of you.

Blob type

Creatures that hop around

There are many variations of these.
Circles, for example, come in varying speeds & sizes & hunt you down on all 4 cardinal directions.

Diamonds (or gems), however, can only hop in the 4 intercardinal directions.
In other words, they're limited to moving diagonally.

Squares, also known as Squatrols, can only hop in 2 set directions.

Then there's the Flub.

They seem to be slightly faster variations of a medium blob, & are capable of moving in all 8 directions, plus randomly jumping over either 1 or 2 tiles.

Sprials, also known as Dreams, move in randomized directions.

And then there's crescents, who seem to move in zig-zag directions.


These guys function like a combination of leapers & blobs:
They wander around the map like a blob, but, if they realize they're pretty far away from you, they will start flying to where you are.
Luckily, they're pretty easy to outrun once they start flying.


These hop around like blobs, but, if they're killed, they will open up to reveal quite an unfavorable prize: a small blob, also known as a blib.
I think they're there just for you to waste a powerup.


These guys randomly switch between slow movements (stop-sign mode) and fast movements (100-sign mode)
They're a bit like a Flub in practice, but the difference is the Stopper can't do a 2-tile hop.


They hop around, leaving a trail of fire behind them.
If they're killed, their trail stil stays for a period of time.


They're like really heavy blobs.
Each time they land, they create a 3x3 shockwave, which can kill you if you're not careful.

Land type

Creatures that slide across the floor and/or occasionally jump


These guys follow you around no matter what the path.
They come in the form of curiously wingless birds.
Maybe they're really funky red apteryxes?


These dart-esque guys leap across the map to attack you from above.
If they notice you, start running.


They move around like a train of death, taking up 5 blocks of the stage & occasionally spotting you & following you.
Attack them as soon as possible.


A really annoying (& scary) version of the wobbler; they only appear when you're really close to them.
Call the Ghostbusters & get rid of them fast too!


Octopus entities who take up a 3x3 space on the board.
There's a short period of time at the beginning of their deployment in which they do not sprout their arms; be sure to kill them during that window.


These guys hop around pretty fast & choose random directions.
They pass over a single tile & never move diagonally.
They also can't be jumped over.


A fast, cardinal-direction-limited version of the wobbler.
Are they any specific dog? Are they another animal entirely? I don't really know.


They're like really tall wobblers.
Also, you can't jump over them.

Pink type

Creatures that cannot be killed


The ball-and-chain combo enemy.
The ball swings around the chain, creating a circle of death. I don't think it can be killed.


An enemy that's more like a barbed wire. Its main methods of "attack" are those small beads that travel across the line.
Initially, it is decently diffcult to dodge, but it can quickly get in your way if there are enemies around.
It also can't be killed.


An enemy that stands in one place.
If you happen to be perpendicular to where it is, it will shoot at you.
Fortunately, the projectiles it spits out can be taken care of.