This is a demo for VIVIDWARE.
There are 10 microgames and a boss game to play through.
Please let me know what you think of it!

Download the demo!

False positive problems? Try the unpacked .exe.


Check them out

Installation instructions:

1. Download the .zip file

2. Extract the .zip file to somewhere

3. Read the README.txt

4. Click on "VIVIDWARE-DEMO.exe"

5. Good luck!

DISCLAIMER: Anything & everything from VIVIDLOPE, including characters, sounds, or whatelse, is property of Jaklub (
This is NOT an official product of any kind. It is a fangame based on a combination of "VIVIDLOPE" and the Nintendo-published series "WarioWare".

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I dunno when or if I'll add a comment section like the end frame says.